Self Evaluation

1. What is the strongest entry in the site journal? Why?

I think my strongest entry is the flora and fauna post. It really ties together a lot and has a serious side along with silly humor that really displays who I am. I like my poem for that one, even if it is silly and nonsensical. I think this post sort of opened up the door for my deeper feelings.

2. What did you enjoy about this assignment? Why?

I enjoyed all of it really. It forced my onto my bike and out into the neighborhood. It made me feel capable and connected and I enjoyed being out at the park so much. It was such an escape. I also really enjoy writing. I think its one of the best ways for me to express my thoughts and who I am. It got me thinking about the intricacies if the park and that really expanded who I was.

3. What was difficult or challenging about the assignment? What could be improved in your site journal, or what do you wish you had done differently?

Sometimes I think I get pulled off track by my own feelings and personal tangents a little bit. I think this adds to the blog in its own way, but can pull me away from doing real research and technical work, so my blog may be lacking some specific research or pondering solely about nature.

4. How did you synthesize your entries as you completed the final version of the site journal?

I tried to tie them all together so they added onto each other like ingredients that build a whole picture of the park. I also tried to make them draw off each other so that it seemed somewhat like a story or personal journey.

5. What risks – in the writing, images, ideas – did you take in the site journal?

I think being silly was a risk in itself. Some of the ideas and attitudes I had may have seemed ridiculous on the surface, but revealed themselves to have true meaning underneath. The sound pollution post was also a bit risky, as it was an unusual approach on a common topic. The poems were an interesting addition to a rather serious topic that mixed the metaphorical nature of literature and the physical quality of nature. Overall, I liked the way it turned out.

6. What did you learn about your site and about nature writing by completing the site journal?

I learned that talking about nature can reveal a lot about yourself. Focusing on nature instead of yourself for a while can bring about a greater meaning for the world in your mind. Specifically, I learned that Harvard Gulch really did have significance in the community and that it was a beautiful place that had a human tough on it, but still managed to stay natural. I learned humans and nature can coexist.

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